Who We Are


A Pioneering Force in decarbonization in Egypt, specializing in waste management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Agricultural Waste, and Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste. Our work emphasizes sustainability and efficiency through advanced technologies and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). By transforming waste into valuable resources, we contribute to a circular economy while significantly reducing carbon emissions. Our impactful projects create innovative opportunities that boost local economies and support Egypt's national goals for sustainable waste management infrastructure.


Empowering nature, society, and heavy industry through innovative approaches to decarbonization


Becoming a global leader in the fight against climate change and striving to decarbonize the world

Over the Years


Inauguration of Ismailia’s Mechanical Biological Treatment Facility


Acquisition of PortSaid’s Mechanical Biological Treatment Facility


Investment in a laboratory to maintain high RDF quality


EIA Approval for Collection and Transportation of Hazardous Waste Collection nationwide


Service Fees Awarded for Ismailia and Portsaid sites by the Ministry of Environment and Governors


Awarded the Safe Disposal Service by the Government for the Ismailia and PortSaid sites


Start of the Biomass Derived Fuel (BDF) Production Activity from Agricultural Waste


Start of Construction and Demolition (C&D) Recycling Activity


Addition of Diffra, AlGharbiyah Mechanical Biological Treatment Facility

The True Advocates of Decarbonization

In-House Innovation

ZeroCarbon’s in-house innovations showcase its unwavering commitment to developing cutting-edge, solution-oriented technologies that lead the way in transforming waste into valuable resources and fostering a circular economy approach.

Multi-Skilled Team

ZeroCarbon is very proud of having an energetic dedicated team comprised of degree and Masters holders in different fields like (Business, Engineering, Geology, and Sustainability) supporting the company’s activity growth and expansion.


ZeroCarbon empowers Nature, Society and Heavy Industry through innovation to decarbonize.

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